
The Group

Dynamics Group brings together leading experts in communication. We offer comprehensive consulting services with a focus on Corporate Communications, Capital Market Communication, Public Affairs as well as Reputation Management and Crisis Communication. Dynamics Group works for more than 200 national and international clients. Our aim is to have long-term relationships with our clients. Depending on the requirements, we are consultant, sparring partner or outsourcing partner for communication services. Mandates are managed only by partners. We are available for you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

The company was founded in 2006 and is managed by 20 partners. Our partnership structure combines specialists with complementary knowledge, extensive expertise, entrepreneurial spirit and a vast network.

Total staff amounts to 30 persons in five offices in Zürich, Basel, Bern, Geneva  and Lausanne. We enjoy a privileged relationship to leading experts in the area of Online Investor Relations, Digital Transformation and Research. For non-core services, we cooperate with specialized service providers.

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News & Views

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”

Michael Willi joins Dynamics Group as Senior Partner

Michael Willi joins Dynamics Group as Senior Partner

“Actions prove who we are, words only what we want to be”

“Actions prove who we are, words only what we want to be”

When catch phrases replace reflection

When catch phrases replace reflection


Corporate Communications

Dynamics Group supports its clients in all areas of corporate communications, at both the strategic and operational levels. Whether as a sparring partner for specific operations or an outsourcing partner for the entire communication process, our activities are tailored to meet clients’ needs. All the partners at Dynamics Group have long-standing experience in corporate communications and proven consulting expertise. We are able to work effectively thanks to a first-rate network of opinion leaders in business, politics, society and the media. With offices in Zurich, Basel, Bern, Geneva and Lausanne, we provide coverage for the two main language regions of Switzerland.

Our Services

Communication strategies
Benchmarking and analyses, development and implementation of communications strategies, develop purpose definitions and narratives, communicate sustainability agenda, success measurement

Positioning strategies
Positioning of CEOs, executives and business personalities, support of leadership changes, thought leadership campaigns, brand positioning and branding

Media Relations
Media contacts, media office, press conferences, press releases, expert articles, arguments and Q&A, media training, monitoring

Internal communication and employee bonding
Consulting and concept development on stakeholders, channels and content, development of employee bonding programs in times of decreasing loyalties (Covid, New Work), influencer programs

Digital communication
Consulting on platforms, tools, channels and analytics, development of content concepts for CEO, executive and corporate positioning in social media, online measures such as websites, newsletters and social media

Coporate Publishing
Concepts, editing and designing of corporate publications such as annual reports or company brochures

Capital Market Communication

Dynamics Group’s capital markets team knows what it takes to create trust and value in the capital markets. We support companies in their positioning and dialogue with the capital market and ensure that their messages are received and understood. We have first-hand knowledge of the demands of market players – whether from our work as investor relations managers for listed companies, from supporting various capital market projects or from our experience in financial research, investment banking and brokerage.

Dynamics Group supports its clients in ongoing investor relations, in transactions such as IPOs, mergers, acquisitions and capital increases. In addition, we have extensive experience in special situations such as shareholder activism, defence and proxy fights. We also have expertise in supporting SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies) and, together with our partner Research Dynamics, in the area of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance).

Our services

Investor Relations
Strategic consulting: Development and sharpening of the equity story, communication strategy in the capital market, positioning of the company and the management in the capital market, capital market-oriented media relations, expectation management, newsflow management, Dynamics Group is your ear to the market.

IR management: IR audits and best-practice analyses, shareholder profiling, investor meetings and roadshows, investor and analyst conferences, IR cockpit, external IR office.

IR tools and channels: Presentations, IR websites, annual reports, investor handbooks, general meetings.

Support for IPOs, mergers, acquisitions, capital increases and spin-offs, take-over defence, private equity transactions.

Special situations
Advice on preparation and protection against activist shareholders, assistance in proxy fights, crisis management.

SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies)
Assisting sponsors and boards of directors of SPACs in preparing, announcing and executing the transaction (Initial Business Combination, IBC) in various industries, ensuring adequate investor relations and post-transaction communication activities.

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)
Strategic advice: ESG communication strategies, stakeholder dialogues, investor screenings.

ESG Tools: Benchmarking analyses to determine the company’s ESG position relative to peers, conception and realisation of ESG reports, ongoing or periodic ESG risk monitoring.


Thomas Balmer
Philippe Blangey
Marianne Fassbind
Alexandre Müller
Edwin van der Geest
Nicolas Weidmann
Christian Wolf

Daniel Piller
Jonathan Seabrook

Christophe Lamps

Our platforms

Investora Zurich
The capital market conference for small and mid-sized companies.

Swiss Corporate Governance Dialog
Where board members meet with institutional investors.

SPAC Switzerland
The information platform about SPACs in Switzerland.

Our partners

The specialist for digital investor relations

Research Dynamics
Research coverage for small and mid caps as well as ESG analyses, reports and monitorings

Public Affairs

The partners at Dynamics Group foster longstanding personal relationships with members of governments, administrative bodies and parliaments. We know how things work in the political environment, and what the various interests are. We support companies at the interfaces between politics, the economy, the media and the public. Tailor-made lobbying and systematic issues management are paramount for this process. We conduct in-depth analysis, design effective strategies and guarantee careful implementation of the requisite measures in day-to-day political and media communication. We are there to assist our clients step by step in complex decision-making and legislative processes at the national, regional and local authority level and to create acceptance for their positions.

Our services

  • Contacts to government, authorities and parliament
  • Issues Monitoring & Management
  • Stakeholder Mapping & Engagement
  • Lobbying and representation of interests
  • Election and voting campaign strategies
  • Political Advisory
  • Crisis management
Reputation Management & Crisis Communication

A good reputation is an important asset. Reputation creates trust and increases the value of a company and that of its brands. Reputation can be built and improved through active reputation management. This includes clear positioning, sophisticated communication and a constructive, sustainable relationship with relevant stakeholders. A crisis can threaten a company’s reputation and in turn its value. The partners at Dynamics Group have extensive experience in the communication management of crisis situations. We help support companies and private individuals to act quickly, efficiently and prudently in crisis situations, to preserve information sovereignty, to ensure an organised information flow internally and externally and to avoid communication errors. This means we not only protect their reputation, but also help to use the crisis as an opportunity to consolidate trust.

Our services

  • Positioning of companies, persons and brands
  • Issues Monitoring & management
  • Reputation analysis and monitoring
  • Strategic reputation management
  • Crisis prevention, crisis management and follow-up
  • Crisis communication trainings, processes and tools
  • Round-the-clock support in the event of a crisis (support task force, spokesperson etc.)



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    Office Zurich

    Dynamics Group AG
    Utoquai 43
    CH-8008 Zürich
    Tel. +41 43 268 32 32
    Fax +41 43 268 32 39

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    Office Bern

    Dynamics Group AG
    Zeughausgasse 22
    CH-3011 Bern
    Tel. +41 31 312 28 41
    Fax +41 31 312 28 49

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    Office Basel

    Dynamics Group AG
    Baloise Park Ost
    Aeschengraben 29
    CH-4051 Basel
    Tel. +41 61 570 70 30

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    Office Geneva

    Dynamics Group SA
    Rue des Caroubiers 21
    CH-1227 Carouge/GE
    Tel. +41 22 308 62 20
    Fax +41 22 308 62 36

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    Office Lausanne

    Dynamics Group SA
    Avenue de Rumine 5
    CH-1005 Lausanne
    Tel. +41 21 311 52 39


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